
<== Site of the Week for 2013-01-09 ==>

Cascade Refining

Cascade Refining pays cash for scrap precious metal. The site has its own in house refinery and claims to pay more than the national brands. They can offer more because they do their own refining. They will melt scrap jewelry back into bullion for sale back to jewelers.

In the video, a TV Report tested claims with small amounts of jewelry. They discovered that the small local firm, with face to face contact, was a better deal.

Unfortunately, the test in the example was flawed because the amounts sent to the shipper was basically equal to the shipping and handling costs. There are similar reports showing the mail in companies are still a rip off at higher prices.

Be warned, both local and national scam artists feed on the fact that many people don't know what they have. Most precious metal jewelry marks the karat weight of precious metals. If you are interested in buying and selling precious metal jewelry or coins, you need to get a Micro-Scales.

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Site NameCascade Refining
Review History2013-01-09
Category Salt Lake Sites: Coins
Page Views3773
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