
<== Site Review (2004-09-19) ==>

The web provides a forum for people to discuss issues of importance...I have not verified the information in this site of the day, but it does carry a compelling story of life in Utah.

Family vs State tells the story of a tragedy and how the bungling of Utah's bureaucracy failed to protect the people in it's jurisdiction, then, in typical self-righteous fashion turned against the victims.

The tragedy really starts when an inept builder designs a house with the gas exhaust pipe sitting near the air intake for the house and near a window...thus piping carbon monoxide into the house. Gosh, you would think inspectors would notice such blatant violations of code. Apparently the family thought the vent under the window was from the dryer, not from the furnace.

As the rescuers pulled the first dead body from the building, a carbon monoxide detector sounded. Not quite bright enough to attribute the sounds of a carbon monoxide detector and an apparent death from carbon monoxide to the furnace vent, the web site tells of the bureaucratic machine attributing the death to the couple's alternative lifestyle--vegetarianism (yes, vegetarianism kills, which is why India has such a small population.)

LESSONS: Do not trust Utah builders...and at all costs stay away from the Utah bureaucracy. If you hold unpopular views in this state, you are your own. BTW, a carbon monoxide detector is a must for anyone wanting to protect their family.

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Site NameFamily vs State
Review History2004-09-19
Category Salt Lake Sites: Home Pages
Page Views4270
NextMegaplex Theatres

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